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This Dawn Is A P ...

Adron Dozat


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Words of Faith and Courage
For Your New Beginning

Poems by A.E. Dozat

This Dawn is a Place of Hope
Copyright A.E. Dozat 2020 
All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles without the prior written permission of the author/publisher. 

 “Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked HCSB are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Holman CSB®, and HCSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. Scripture quotations marked NLT Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked CSB are been taken from the Christian Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2017 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Christian Standard Bible•, and CSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. Scripture quotations marked JKV are taken from the 1611 Authorized version and in the public domain.
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ISBN 978-0-578-67376-9

Cover photo by A.E. Dozat
Illustrations by A.E. Dozat

Special thanks to Maddy Dozat, for her assistance on the cover design. 

I gratefully dedicate this to God 
Who offers a new beginning to us all,
To my wife, Carolyn,
To our children, Tim, David, Joe, and Maddy,
And to all those who are entering a new beginning.

The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. 
Genesis 12:1-2, NLT

Also by A.E. Dozat, 

Beyond These Dark Lands Are Edges of Joy

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Prologue           1

Chapter 1, Darkest Hours
Your Destination   2
Friendly Words of Confusion   3
Deliverance   4
Resolve           5
Seed of Hope   6
Streams in Your Wasteland   7
Lessons in Counting   8
Even Today   9
When 10

Chapter 2, Whispers from the Far Lights
Relationship 11
The Unbreakable Rule 12
Light from Tomorrow 13
The Strange Path 14
More than Life or Death 15
All Your Days 16
Death to the Old 17
Passage         18
Ownership 19
The Song           20

Chapter 3, Dawn Star
The Blessed Ones 22
Steps of Time 23
Resurrection Morning 24
Time-zones and Eternity 25
Driven 26
Eyes of Faith 27
The Royal Invitation 28
This New Beginning 29

Chapter 4, Distant Glow
The Need for That which is Strong 30
Construction Zone 31
Despise Not His Gentle Gift 32
The Guarantee 33
Blame or Not Blame 34
No Obstacle         35
His Path to Your Dreams 36
The Scales that Weigh the Lesser 37
The Sheltered Place 38
Servant         39

Chapter 5, Melting Mist
Cliffs 40
Taken 41
Direction         42
Reflection 43
Conquest by the Small 44
To Vanquish the Wolf 45
The Way Home 46
Freedom’s Rejuvenation 47
Assessment 48
Where the Light Shines 49

Chapter 6, Fading Shadows
Every Day 50
Not a New Beginning 51
The Eternal Vision 52
A More Dangerous Wound 53
Apprentice 54
Here Today 55 
The Way-light 56
New Todays 57
History of the Future Lesson 58

Chapter 7, First Light
The Leading 59
Reflections of Tomorrow 60
The Commander’s Words 61
The Watchman 62
Choosing         63
I Hate to Tell You This 64
Intentionally Onward 65
The Dirtiest Word 66
Priorities         67

Chapter 8, Rays of Hope
Redefinition 68
Mandate         69
Fulfillment 70
God’s Economy 71
The Greater Sum 72
Where Credit Is Due 73
The End Place 74
Residence 75
Stones of Tomorrow 76

Chapter 9, Daybreak
Days of Good Friday 77
Right Thing 78
The Conqueror 79
Finding Strength 80
The Old No More 81
Inventory 82
Not         83
Speak 84
Not A Conclusion 85

Hope for Your New Beginning 86


Words of Faith and Courage
For Your New Beginning

A Poem of My Why

I wish that I was there
When you fought the darkness 
To get to this place.
I wish I could be there
As you face this new day,
So I could hold your hand
And lend you my shoulder.
I would cheer each success
And weep for each defeat.
But I am far away,
So, I send you these words;
They are my prayers, hopes, and
My well-wishes for you. 
I hope we meet someday,
And you give me a chance
To hear about this time
When His light cleared the darkness,
And you saw the great deeds,
The marvels and wonders 
Done in you,
By Him, who is 
The Dawn Star. *

[Illustration only available in the print version]

*Revelation 22:16

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” Revelation 22:16, NASB 


A Poem of the Wind-Maker

From before the first lights,
God meant for you to be
Like a beautiful ship
With beauteous graceful lines.
You should glide across seas
To find the sunny ports.
But your charts mislead you
With vain calculations.
Now your sails hang limp
Like a useless ghost
Over a stagnant sea.
He who made the North Star
Would be your true compass.
He waits for you to trust in Him
So that He Who Holds Winds,
May send His steady breeze.
Give to Him the tiller,
He will take you across
The night cast starry waves
To His harbor of joy,
A place of rest and peace,
And there you will always
Face the dawn.

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My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26, ESV

A Poem of the Choice

You face a misty road that
Divides like an octopus
With a hundred twisting arms.
Each way looks so beautiful,
And they all promise success.
Kind people and trusted friends
Invite you to choose their path.
They all have an opinion,
A truism, or pop wisdom,
And yet none of them agree.
How do you choose the right way?
All you want to do
Is to begin anew
And put one mess behind you
Without starting another.
So, here is my advice,
Refuse to take any road
Where He will not tread upon.
He would walk beside you
If you invite Him along,
But remember
He is The Good Shepherd-
And He leads.

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Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:4-5, NIV

A Poem of the All and the Empty

Your spirit has been beaten
Even your heart is bankrupt.
All your resources are spent,
And you may wonder how long
Before you are that person
On some nameless street corner
Begging people for spare change.
But you are not without hope,
He Who Is All will come near.
To the weak one, He is strength.
To the enslaved, He is hope.
To the sickly, He is health.
To the lonely, He is love.
To the hungry, He is bread.
To the hopeless, He is hope.
He comes to bless the lowly,
And to answer the longing 
Of all those who are empty,
And who are poor in spirit.
Start this beginning with 
A prayer for help from
The Lord of All.

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Behold, the Lord God comes with might, and His arm rules for Him; behold, His reward is with Him, and His recompense before Him. Isaiah 40:10, ESV

A Poem of Intentionally

You are knocked down
On your bloodied face
And sink in the mud.
You must not give up.
Choose to remember
The hope you once had,
Force yourself forward,
Refresh the vision,
And then continue.
God always calls you
To more noble things,
So become ready
To do greater things
Than ever before.
Get up again and
Take another step
Toward God’s purpose.
Count all your hardships
To be the hammer
That pounds the steel;
God is the blacksmith,
And He is forging
A new

[Illustration only available in the print version]

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14, ESV

A Poem of the Beginning

Your greatest day is coming;
It is nearer than you think.
It does not come by cunning
Nor by knowledge or power
But from the God of wonders.
He is what makes your life right
When you put your faith in Him.
He gives a new beginning.
He puts you in a good place
Of blessing and fruitfulness.
Choose to trust in God’s goodness, 
And if
Hope seems like a tiny smudge,
Remember the mustard seed, *
And how He said it would become  
A thing of greatness.
Soon you will see that God 
Is making you into more
Than you ever imagined.

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* Matthew 13:31-32

The God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, establish, strengthen, and support you after you have suffered a little while. 1 Peter 5:10, CSB

A Poem of New Life 

When your dream seems to dry up,
It’s like being lost in a desert.
You wish you could fix this place
With gardens, rivers, green meadows,
And lovely oak trees full of birds,
But you lack topsoil or seed.
Maybe, that is not a bad thing; 
When you can’t put things back to rights,
You must keep watch and wait for God.
He will do something new in you-
He would become your paradise.
So, do not dwell on the lost dream.
There was a time to mourn the past,
But now you must resolve to live.
Give your desert life to Him,
The Always Present One.
Your hopes can live
Through Him.
He will give blessings like rivers
And bring life
To your empty land.

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Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19, NIV

A Poem of the Ledger 

When you number something,
You will value it more,
As you find its limits
And learn to respect it.
Can you number your days?
Some are already spent,
Burnt like a winter’s fire
With sparks that dance upward
And die out in the dark.
How many days until
You close your eyes
And awake to the day
That is beyond counting?
Only the Ageless One
Can answer such questions.
May you value each dawn
As precious beyond measure,
And chose to live each day
To serve God and others.
If you succeed in this,
You will not come up short
Before you are finished.

[Illustration only available in the print version]

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12, NIV

A Poem of Him Who Fails Not

Sunrise opens a new day
With a slow awakening
And the promise of fresh hope.
God made each daybreak unique,
But one light connects them all 
More brilliant than the dawn-sun
And eternal like The One
Who waits to meet you again
With new life every morning.
That light rises to shine His
Unfailing compassion
And inexhaustible love.
His faithfulness is beyond
All limits of measurement.
You can face even this day
Because He Who is the Dawn
Is the light who walks with you.
Fear not what this morning brings
Or today’s uncertainties.
Like the morning mist, they
Will fade against the certainty
Of His love and compassion.

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The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23, ESV

A Poem of Certainty

You may ask yourself
What you should do next?
Is it time to start
Do you plow now, plant,
Build up, or tear down?
Your schedule is clear,
And your calendar
Is empty.
You can be sure that
God has a design,
In His plan, there is
No time or place where
You are idle;
There are calls to serve,
To obey His Word,
And do deeds of love.
As you obey Him
There will be a day
When He says now
It is time to rebuild.

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There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.  Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV


A Poem of Dominion

To create trees,
God must be bigger.
To make mountains,
God must be bigger.
To construct skies,
God must be bigger.
To fashion stars,
God must be bigger.
To build heaven,
God must be bigger.
How could He be
So big but
Not bigger than
Your problems?
Don’t you know
Your problems can’t
Scare him?
He is bigger.

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Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.  Isaiah 40:28, ESV

A Poem of That Which Frees
Unforgiveness is like
A black ten-ton anchor
From some lost battleship;
It will enslave your heart
With heavy bitter chains
That bind you to darkness.
You must let go because
To hold on to your hurt
Will bring you no good thing.
But, you can find freedom.
The power to forgive
Comes from first receiving
God’s forgiveness through Christ.
And knowing that since God
Forgave all of your wrongs,
Mistakes, follies, and sins,
Then you have a new life 
Founded on forgiveness.
If you have accepted
His boundless forgiveness,
Then you must become
A forgiving person.
There is no exception.

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And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ.  Ephesians 4:32, HCSB

A Poem of What He Brings 

Failure shadows you
Like some oily vulture
That would pick your bones bare
Of the last strips of flesh.
You would fight this future,
But your past cripples you
With thoughts of loss and shame.
You need freedom from guilt,
So The Good Shepherd came
To make deliverance
From its steady haunting.
You can find peace in Him
Who is the Prince of Peace.*
And when you have His peace,
Each day becomes hopeful;
Your past becomes powerless,
The future will become great,
Full of purpose, and
You’ll fear no challenge.
And with His peace, you will
Begin to see
The Morning Star
Take the place of shadows.

[Illustration only available in the print version]

*Isaiah 9:6

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16.33, NIV

A Poem of the Wayfarer

In every life, there are times
When you must walk a new path
Where the road signs are all blank,
And you go from fear to fear,
And each step takes you further
From the things you understand.
But do not give up on hope.
There is One who knows the way
And has been there before you.
He knows all the dark corners,
Has searched out the shadows
And has found every pitfall.
You may be on a new road
And doubtful of where it leads,
But if you take a wrong turn
You will not be truly lost,
Because He Who is the Way
Walks at your side.

[Illustration only available in the print version]

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

A Poem of the Turn-around

When life feels like a raft
Pulled by the foaming river
Toward the roaring cascade-
Know that you are not helpless.
No matter where you might be,
It is never too late to
Turn from the errors you do.
Because then you
Honor God who condemns them,
Frees you to do what is right,
Allows God to work in you,
Opens the way to find peace,
Finds a strength unknown before,
Starts the healing process,
Inspires those around you.
This turning from ways of wrong
Might be the hardest thing,
But you must never give up.

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Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. Acts 3:19, NASB

A Poem of Him Who Plans

The dawn star flickers brightly
In the pale morning light.
It is the last of the stars
Washed away by the sunrise.
So, a new day has begun,
And you move forward with it.
Enter this day with all hope.
Every one of your days
Has been shaped by the wise hand
Of Him, the God of All Time.
He wrote their agendas
With wisdom, power, and love.
Each minute has a purpose,
Each hour has a design.
He has filled them with good
And longs for you to take them.
Accept the gift of today
All tomorrows are yours when you
Give your future to the One
Who was already there.

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For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be remembered or come to mind. Isaiah 65:17, NASB

A Poem about the New 

Your old ways shadow you
And follow like grey ghosts,
But they are no more than
Cheap cardboard placards.
They try to frighten you
And control your vision.
They refuse to be gone
Although they have been slain
On the cross with Jesus
When He became your Christ.
His awesome life lives on
And is meant to be yours.
Do not cling to those mist
From the entombed past.
Kick out all the old ways.
And if they won’t lie down,
Remind them they are dead
And walk away through faith
In the One who is life.
Let Christ’s life become yours,
And He will bring new ways,
That shine.

[Illustration only available in the print version]

I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  Galatians 2:20, CSB

A Poem of the Restoration

Your bone-hard ruins
Make a bad foundation
For building a new life.
They were weak from the start
And cracked across the base.
You must become willing
To give up the old life
And abandon those things
That have carried you here.
It is never enough
To start your life over-
You must receive new life
From the Author of Life.
His foundation is firm;
It is the cross, the tomb,
And the resurrection.
Christ invites you to live,
But you must put away
The habits that brought death
And receive
His resurrection life.
He alone is the one
Who rebuilds what you can’t.

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Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3, ESV

A Poem of the Planner

Your plan was perfect;
It fulfilled your dream,
And it defined you.
Then your hopes died, and  
You watched them sink
Like an old building
That implodes on itself,
Pulling down the roof 
In swirling dust.
Let your grieving end.
What waits for you is 
Better than success.
It comes from Him who
Knows no failure,
But you must let Him
Own your tomorrows.
Make God’s plan your plan;
It is wise, bright, true,
And ready for you.
If you follow it,
Then you will find 
More than you dreamt of.

[Illustration only available in the print version]

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11, NIV

A Poem of the Song Giver

It will happen,
You will arrive
Where you always
Were meant to be-
The mountaintop!
There, you wonder,
Who is singing?
And then
You realize-
That it is you!
You have become
By reasons to be
To praise God,
And to thrive.
The night mist melts,
And you see now
That he has
A new world
All around you.
And all this time
He was making
Ready to
Receive it.

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He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear and will trust in the LORD. Psalm 40:3, NASB


A Poem of Today

Its many leaves 
Make it grand,
It took decades
For the great oak 
To cast its shade 
On the dirt road.
Your life is made
Of many days,
But you only live 
One at a time.
This is one day,
View it afresh
Without bias,
Seek out its joys,
And find all its
Live it fully,
That way all your, 
“Todays” will 
Make a life that 
Blesses like the 
Great oak tree. 

[Illustration only available in the print version]

This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24, NASB

A Poem of Those Who Ask

Blessed are the fallen ones
At the bottom of a well,
For they are the ones who know
That they need help.
They have no shame in calling
For someone to rescue them.
In such a place
Silence is foolish.
Ask Him Who is Able,
He who has never failed,
And has power over stars,
Seas, wind, seasons, and mountains.
Ask the One who is willing,
And who gives up all to help.
Ask the One who is waiting
And is ready to answer.
Yes, blessed
Are the ones
Who ask for help every day,
And resolve not to give up,
But God’s help is not like man’s,
And not always visible
To those stuck in the dark.
So be assured that help is near
And keep looking up. 

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Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— He remains faithful forever. Psalm 146 5:6, NIV

A Poem of Place

Maybe you tried the courses,
Spent time in counseling, 
Read self-help books, 
And spent hours in therapy.
Perhaps they help, or they don’t.
Now you need something different,
What you need
Is a new you.
Become part of that morning
Which celebrates all-days.
If God can raise Christ to life,
Then He can give you true life,
One born from the inside out.
You can receive this new life
Of oneness and unity
With the resurrected Christ.
But you must do your part too;
God asks that your old ways die,
Pride, anger, hate, self-seeking,
Greed, lust, and any such things
Must remain in the tomb
Only then
Can His dawn-life emerge.

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We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6:3-4, ESV

A Poem of Restoration

You carry them with you,
Past, present, and future,
But each one is damaged.
You know they need repair
And want a prescription 
For a new beginning,
But it seems no doctor,
No pill, and no wishing
Is adequate to fix
This trinity of you.
Yield to Him, the One-
He who has healing  
In the touch of His hand.
Seek Him with all your heart,
Honor Him, revere Him,
And keep His commandments.
Then He will shine on you
Like dawn’s bright, golden light.
Time can’t heal all wounds,
But He who was wounded 
For you 
Can make right
All of your days.

[Illustration only available in the print version]

But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Malachi 4:2, NIV

A Poem of That Power

The wind kisses the sails. 
They bloom and
Make the ship beautiful.
Each beginning is driven 
By unseen energies,
Like wind and spirit.
Some such powers are good,
But others are not.
Test your source
Of strength and motivation;
Refuse all that is not of
Him who is Love.
Love must be the power 
Of all you do,
And the energy
Of your progress.
A loveless beginning
Is no beginning,
And a loveless course
Will only lead you 
To wreckage on the rocks.

[Illustration only available in the print version]

And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love. 2 John 2:5-6, NIV

A Poem about Tomorrow

God made time as a gift,
But our clocks broke
On that morning of days
When our hearts became stone.*
Now, we cannot touch time
But only ride the moments
Which pass us silently
Like a glacier that moves
Barely an inch a year.
Each dawn births new hope. 
Today you may be small 
And without much success,
But your day is not over.
So much more is ahead.
Do not look with mere eyes,
See with the mind of faith; 
For the day is coming,
A day, unlike today.
With no shadow of ending
A day that begins hope,
It will be great-
Yes, great!

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*Ezekiel 36:26

And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great. Job 8:7, ESV

 A Poem about the Generous One

You are in the dark
Groping for a hand
To guide you through
Your next season.
He who is The Light
Invites you to ask
For light to see by.
He who is the Way
Invites you to ask
To be shown the way.
He who is All-Knowing
Invites you to ask
For divine guidance.
He who is the Door
Invites you to ask
For an opening.
No other throne room
Is so available
To petitioners;
Accept His invitation.
What would you ask
Of the King of Kings?

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Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7, NASB

 A Poem about Him Who Gives

As you go through life,
You know there will be 
Many starting overs,
But few are truly new.
The new start that you need
Is not a point in time
Or a point on the earth,
But a point of belief
In the promise of God.
All other beginnings
Must stand on top of this.
It is okay if 
You can’t comprehend it,
For the Oath Keeper does.
He will not ask you to
Understand all His ways
Only trust His promise,
Not just for a new start,
That would be too small
For the Almighty One,
His purpose always is 
For a new you.

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For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16, NIV


A Poem about Primary Ways 

No stones are more vital,
To the lofty tower
Than the foundation stones,
For it is by their strength
That the tower endures.
If what you built fell, then
You need to find new stones
Or maybe the old ones
From before the new ones;
You must renew your mind
And build new foundations.
Return to the basic
Where life is just you and
Seek Him with all your heart;
Read His Word, the Bible,
Meditate on His truths,
Give your service to Him
Make Him your foundation,
Then your towers will reach
The Heavens.

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Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2, HCSB

A Poem of the Gentle Healer

You want to rebuild your life,
But it seems the more you try,
Things appear to become worse.
Sometimes, a bone has to be
Broken for the second time,
So it may mend as it should.
But if you are the injured one,
Inflicting pain makes no sense.
We do not know how to build,
But God is the great builder;
He builds forest, mountains, seas,
Sunsets, stars, and galaxies.
God made a perfect world
And an awesome universe.
If you give your life to Him,
He can do the same with you;
He will take your shattered life
And become its healer.
There might be a few re-breaks,
He is the Gentle Shepherd,
He knows what He is doing
And does nothing without love.

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He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3, NIV

A Poem of Choices

You have many fears;
Some are about today,
And some cloud tomorrow.
And you feel hopeless
Like you are in a maze
At the zoo past midnight
And all the animals
Are free from their cages.
God gives you a command
That has no exception.
First, choose to not worry,
And in its place, you must 
Pray with all thanksgiving.
Pray about your big things
And every little thing-
Tell God all about them.
Yes, He already knows,
But you
Need to tell Him.
When you do, you will find
Worry will be banished,
Peace like the early morn
Will fill your heart. 

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Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7, NIV

A Poem about What to Expect

The ocean tide murmurs
With soft licks
As it covers the sands;
It rises slowly
Until, without notice,
It silently slips back
To the deep place.
New starts have rhythms
As sure as the tides.
So be ready, 
Depression and doubt
Do not ring the doorbell
When they visit you.
Do not fear them;
They do not bring the end
Or embody failure.
It is ok when they come,
So, sit down together
And talk it over.
Talk, too, with him
Who was a man of sorrows,*
Who will never leave you
Or forsake you.*

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*Isaiah 53:3, *Deuteronomy 31:6

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. 1 Peter 4:12-13, ESV

A Poem of This Day

Maybe your actions brought you here.
Perhaps you are a victim,
Or somebody made a bad choice,
Or some evil came your way.
But today is an open door,
Turn from blame and make this day yours,
Because this is the day to act.
Do not waste life on self-pity,
Blaming others, or faulting God-
Especially do not fault God.
Don’t let bitterness hold you back,
No matter how small or how slight;
Its weight crushes any progress.
If you are here by your own deeds,
Then own up to it and move on.
If somebody else put you here,
Then forgive them and go forward.
If you are here by God’s doing,
Then the best thing is to trust Him.
You say this sounds too simplistic,
Yes, it is,
But you cannot afford the time
To make it too complicated
Because life is waiting for you.

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Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Psalm 37:1-3, NIV

A Poem of the Climber

Your tomorrows all look like
And each day is another
Help does not come from wishing.
You must resolve to look up
And focus on that view.
Do not gaze at those high hills,
But on Him who made them tall.
There is no greater helper.
If He can sculpt such wonders,
Then He can level them too.
Do not fear the cliffs that wait
Before you.
He may take them away
He may not.
But even that is ok
Because, if you must climb them,
Then He will too, 
Beside you,
If you let Him.

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I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from where shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.  Psalm 121:1-2, NASB

A Poem of Requirement

You hear people say,
“Just follow your heart.”
Yes, that may sound nice;
But the problem is
God never said it
In His Holy Word.
It doesn’t say
That you should give up
Working toward your dream.
You must keep sight of
God’s required things
Like acting fairly,
Doing what is good,
Pursuing mercy,
And being humble
Before God and men.
It could be your dreams
Are the gift from God,
But so are His laws;
So, keep the order right-
First, obey God’s Word,
Then He will open
The way to your dreams.

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He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8, NIV

A Poem of Him Who is Greater

Money may be the machinery
That powers the world’s greatest engines,
You may be tempted to see your need
And think that more money will solve it.
But when you stop to think about it,
We are like kids with a toy shovel
Playing at the neighborhood playground
Digging for treasure in the sandbox.
Yet you can have a greater treasure
Than any hidden in the soil,
For Christ is the answer to your need
For meaning, purpose, hope, and love.
He would rain heaven’s rewards on you.
Maybe not gold, diamonds, or silver
But the greater blessing of Himself.
He is worth more than mountains of gold.
Look to Him as your great possession,
And what you truly need will be met.

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Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5, NIV

A Poem of Victory

What keeps you in defeat
Are not the black terrors
That molders in your heart,
But rejecting the One
Who is Resurrection
When He would revive you.
Consider this;
He rose from the grave,
Which must mean that  
He conquered death,
Which means that
His power is greater.
So it is logical
That in your failure,
He can be your success.
That means 
It is wise to have Him.
The new life you long for
Is not a better job,
Or a home or friendship.
The one thing you need most
Is to find your meaning
In Him.

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Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1, NIV

A Poem of the Master

You are here,
It is beginning,
This day is going
To be glorious.
But you should not think
It is because of
You have this one day,
But it is His day,
It always was
As are all others.
He is
This day
And all the good of it.
Enter into it
And witness

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I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Revelation 22:13, NIV



A Poem of the Conqueror

Sometimes life feels like 
You are climbing up cliffs
By your fingers and toes,
And each day you battle
To hold it together.
There is hope.
You can do what you need,
But you must
Give away your weakness,
Your fears and your losses
To the One whose name is,
“I AM,”*  
For He is, 
The One Who is All-ness.
Choose to receive from Him 
The strength, courage, and hope
To do all that you need.
If you receive His help, 
You can take this next step
And each one that follows.
The cliffs are still as tall,
But you will conquer them 
By their own maker.

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*Exodus 3:14

I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13, HCSB

A Poem about What Remains

Like an island castaway 
Stripped of all modern comforts
And driven just to survive,
You face new realities.
You may have lost all the things
That gave you purpose,
And now
Everything you were
Has sunk
Below the mile-deep sea.
You are more than footprints
In the wave-washed sand.
Some things cannot be taken,
And others last forever.
Focus on what can’t be lost;
Embrace and nurture those things.
The things that last forever
Are from Him who is beyond time,
His gifts can’t be stolen from you
But grow when you share them.
And in sharing them, you will
Become more the true you
Than you ever could have been.

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I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand. John 10:28, CSB

A Poem of He Who Fulfills

Dreams live in your heart,
And they are good gifts,
Hopeful like the dawn,
Honest like the sun,
And noble like the oak.
You saw yourself on
The bright marbled path
That leads to your dream.
But the heart of man  
Is a broken compass,
And by its silence,
It has failed you.
Look to Him and hope.
The Great Mapmaker
Has laid out your course
On Quicksilver roads
That do not crumble
And shine with praise songs.
He makes the way clear
To the one who gives
Their dreams to Him,
Who is The Way.*

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*John 14:6

A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9, HCSB

A Poem of Today’s Destiny

Do not give up,
Do not lose sight
Of Heaven.
Your days here 
Are only 
A thin shadow
Of the bright one
To come.
Is a long time
To spend with
A bad choice,
Living today
With a view
For heaven
Will bless both.

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Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.  Isaiah 60:20, NIV

A Poem about Arriving at the End

Like mountain peaks hardened
By the ice of white snow,
The next step lurks ahead,
Waiting to slay all hope,
And then to mock your fall.
Do not waste this day,
Or lose it to worry.
Resolve to obey God
And take this fearful step-
He will help you do it.
Yes, God helps baby steps
And blesses faith as small
As any mustard seed.
Do not despise small steps,
Because even though small,
Many steps can conquer
The highest peak.
As you obey today, 
You will become ready
To obey tomorrow,
And soon these little steps
Will turn into a sprint
Across your finish line.

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If you have faith the size of a mustard seed,” the Lord said, “you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you. Luke 17:6, CSB

A Poem of the Peace Giver

You worry about tomorrow
And fear for the days after that.
Now you are afraid that your past
Will hunt down all your days and years
Like some feral black mountain wolf
With hateful jaundice yellow eyes.
If you come to Him Who is Peace,
Then the wolf
Is struck 
The death blow
By the one called the Lamb of God.
This lamb gives what only He can-
It is part of accepting Him.
When you receive The Lord of Peace,
Then you have been given His peace.
As you give more of yourself to Him
And obey Him as your shepherd
Peace will grow in your heart until
It conquers the past,
Fills the present, 
And becomes your future.

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Now may the Lord of Peace Himself give you His peace at all times and in every situation...  2 Thessalonians 3:16a, NLT

A Poem of the Companion

When you walk through the night,
Fear not, He walks with you.
When you go through deserts,
Fear not, He walks with you.
When you wander alone,
Fear not, He walks with you.
When you are very lost,
Fear not, He walks with you.
When you step among foes,
Fear not, He walks with you.
When you faint on the way,
Fear not, He walks with you.
When your path is lonely,
Fear not, He walks with you.
When your map is useless,
Fear not, He walks with you.
With each step, He brings you
To where all journeys end,
The place He made for those
Who walk with Him.

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Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9, NIV

A Poem About the Purpose 

Without doubting its worth,
She fights the 
Cement hardened prison.
She must escape or die.
She assails her confines
Until she squeezes out
Into the air of freedom.
Her fragile wings harden. 
Restless to live, she quivers 
And beats the air- 
She flies!
With a dancer’s passion,
She celebrates the sky.
God made butterflies, and
Through them, He can teach you,
That you will be like her-
The gorgeous sky dancer.
Your flight starts with a change
And great desperation.
Take hope in your struggles,
As the flying jewel
Is unlike its old life.
So your future will be
Nothing like your today.

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I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 
Romans 8:18, NIV

A Poem about Acknowledging 

People give you this old advice,
They say
That you should know your resources,
And be ready to exploit them.
But this kind of counsel falls short.
You should list your blessings instead,
Then review and count them again.
The most important thing
Is to give thanks to God for them,
At length, in detail, and often.
Thank Him for every single one,
No matter how small or how big.
Do not forget the greatest gifts
And remember to thank Him;
For His love, the life He gave you,
And for His Son who died for you.
As you thank God, then you will see
You are not at a beginning,
You are already at the top.

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Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.1 Peter 1:3, CSB

A Poem of Revelation

The black night sky stays hard down
With no light to tell its edge,
You need your dawn to come now.
Waiting can be pure torture.
Haste wants to dig up the seeds
To see if they have sprouted,
But that destroys the whole crop.
Do not hurry or rush God;
His help comes at the right time.
If you act through impatience,
Then the hurried up effort
Will be your only reward,
You will stay the same person
That you have always been.
But to wait for God’s moment
Will give a greater reward
And bring you a step closer
To His perfect work in you-
The new-making of His image.

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But I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. Micah 7:7, CSB


A Poem of Hope

Cement may crack with time,
And steel may rust away,
But hope makes you stronger
Than both.
When life has no tether,
And you are in free-fall,
You grab at any hope,
And maybe it works out,
Or maybe it does not.
But to live day by day
Mixing a view of God 
Into all that you do,
No matter if you are
Doing awesome things 
Or the common small stuff,
That will be measured as
Greatness by the One
Who is without limits.
Keep your eyes on Him;
Who is the source of hope,
Then you have every hope.
And with that foundation
You can face any day.

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And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5, NASB

A Poem about a New Creation

You might think a new start means
Reinventing your world
Or some treasured part of it,
Rebuilding is not enough.
This new you 
Is not found in some blueprints
Or a written agenda.
That which you are becoming
Is much greater than any
Recipe could produce,
It means to become a new
But no one has the power
To become something so new.
He who made you is the one
Who can make a new you.
He waits for your willingness 
Because He will only take
What is freely surrendered.
Why keep your fallen world?
Give to Him your broken you
And let Him make you new.

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Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!  2 Corinthians 5:17, CSB

A Poem of Him Who is Beautiful

We measure time with
Poor finite machines,
Yet fail to see
God has a purpose
In each moment.
You have this moment,
And in this hour,
You want things fixed.
Time does not bind God,
He created time,
And is using it
To bless your life.
So, you can trust Him
With all of your times.
His plan for your days
Are full of beauties,
And the greatest one
May take a lifetime-
It is what He does
In your heart,
It is eternal.

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He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. 
Ecclesiastes 3:11, NIV

A Poem of the Better Source

The deadly jungle cat 
Might run if he were not
Enraged by his raw wounds 
And energized by pain.
Beware lest you become
Another wild creature
When you lick your ache
For the taste of hot blood
To bolster your fury.
But the true power 
To rebuild this new life
Is not found in willfulness.
Turn away from revenge,
Bitterness and pride.
Abandon such vain tools,
For these tactics fail,
And they will lead away 
From Him who is true life.
For your new beginning
Comes best from surrender,
It looks to God and says,
“Not my will, Lord, but yours.”* 

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* Luke 22:42

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time He may exalt you. 1 Peter 5:6-7, ESV

A Poem of the Working
The master chips at the stone 
Hammering it skillfully.
His chisel has no mercy
As He pounds with His mallet.
He cleaves all that is faulty
And not true to His purpose
Until beauty is set free.
Now, it is time for you to
Take your turn with the chisel
And add to the perfection 
That the Great Master began.
Hammer out a bad habit,
Chip out a section of waste,
Grind away foolish pursuits,
And smash the flaws of wrongs.
It’s a hard, and sweaty task
That brings the dead stone to life,
But if you let His hand hold
The chisel
And His arm drive the mallet,
The image that arises
Will be beautiful.

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Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,  Hebrews 12:1, NASB

A Poem of the Listening One

Does anyone care
That you are hurting? 
Does anyone see
Just how hard it is
To face one more day?
Are all of your friends
Tired of hearing
About your story
Of failure?
But here is good news!
There is one who cares,
He has been waiting,
Even since before
The first morning.
He is willing to
Hear all about it.
He cares, and He sees
With understanding,
Compassion, and love.
Tell Him everything.
He won’t turn away.
He is listening
To hear your voice.

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He will respond to the prayer of the destitute; he will not despise their plea. Psalm 102:17, NIV

A Poem about the Guide Giver

Your way is blocked by
Twisted choices
Like wrought iron gates
Controlled by electronic
Your greatest challenges
May not be some big war,
But the mad horde
Of little choices.
We seek God’s direction
In our grand proposals
Yet despise His presence
In trivial matters.
Put God in all you do,
Not just in the big stuff
But even in the chores,
And life’s daily clutter.
When God is honored 
In all your ways, 
He opens the path
Before you,
So you can go forward
And do wondrous things. 

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Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6, ESV

A Poem of What God Forgets

Sometimes we feel
That our lives are only
Castles made of sand
That fall inch by inch
To the lick of waves
With foaming white beards.
How many castles
Have the waves taken?
They are forgotten
By their builders.
But God
Walks upon your beach,
Calling you to come
To new beginnings
Because you need more
Than a second chance.
God will cast
All your failings
Past the deepest sea,
Beyond memory’s reach.
Give your past to God
And receive His gift
Of a new today.

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As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. Psalm103:12, ESV

A Poem from Tomorrow’s View

One day people will speak of you. 
You won’t believe what they will say.
They will talk about your deeds;
That you rebuilt the broken thing 
And held fast when other souls quit,
That you undid the wreck you found,
And never gave into despair,
That you repaired the gears and wheels,
And so the broken works ran like new,
That you fixed what was thrown out,
And you kept hope when most lost it,
That you won battles when most fled,
And you blessed everyone you met.
One day people will say these things.
They will,
Because you set your eyes each day,
Not on the mess around you, but
On Him, The Re-Maker of Lives.
And you lived each day 
Only to serve Him who will say,
“Well done good and faithful servant.
Enter the joy of your master.*

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* Matthew 25:23

Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings. Isaiah 58:12, NIV


A Poem of Mind

You can’t ignore the past,
Its wreck is everywhere, 
But do not dwell on it.
You must face the issues,
Sweep up the shattered glass,
Haul the pieces away,
And sell all that remains,
Then just let go of it all.
Forget about the wrongs,
Failures, and losses.
See the good around you.
Look for the dream, the hope,
And picture the best day.
Refuse defeatist thoughts. 
Seek Him who renews minds
Give Him your old thought-life.
Let His light fill your mind
With new ways of thinking.
Fail in this, and your thoughts
Will be your dark master,
But if you succeed,
Your mind will be
A place of freedom.

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Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8, ESV

A Poem of He Who Has the Future

Your dream did not work out,
And all hope seems to be like
Foul water
Sloshing, spinning, and rushing
Down a brown mossy toilet.
Now you are ready to quit.
But life, renewal, hope, and 
Even eagles wings await you.
Such promises are for those
Who trust in the Mighty One,
And refuse their own efforts;
For from God comes the power
To fly higher than before.
It is not until you know
The truth of your weakness
That you can receive His life.
Rely on His great power
And move ahead,
Your future will be fuller 
Than your past ever was.

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But those who trust in the LORD will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not become weary, they will walk and not faint.  Isaiah 40:31, CSB

A Poem about Him Who is With You.

You feel outnumbered
By the whispers of fears;
They mock you and taunt you
And threaten shame or ruin. 
But hear the words of God-
He commands you to be
He commands you to be
He commands you to be
He commands you to be
But He does not command 
From some concrete bunker
While you are fighting 
In hand to hand combat.
He is right next to you.
He is waiting for you
To keep His command
So He can walk beside you 
Into victory. 

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Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9, HCSB

A Poem of Purpose

Men of great patience would stand guard
On ancient city walls of stone
Gazing into the white-hot day.
They keep their ceaseless post and watch
The distant haze for friend or foe,
Or else the city will be lost.
Like the watchman, you too, must stand.
It takes courage to wait for God
And hope in Him Who is Unseen.
Man’s wisdom says you are foolish,
It says, “Throw out faith and search for
Something that will help you right now.”
Resist the urge to hurry;
It puts you with the lesser ones.
The greater logic of faith says
The outcome of hasty choices
Will never give you more blessing
As trust in the Almighty One.
It is your noblest challenge 
To watch for Him, Who is the Dawn.
When He comes, so comes victory.

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You are in for trouble if you go to Egypt for help, or if you depend on an army of chariots or a powerful cavalry. Instead, you should depend on and trust the holy LORD God of Israel. Isaiah 31:1, CEV

A Poem about the Best

Do you ever feel
Like you are surrounded
By self-help books with eyes?
They stare as you walk by
And whisper their counsel.
Some say to set your goal,
Some say you need a plan,
Or a vision statement,
Or a paradigm,
(Whatever that may be).
All these things are fine,
But they neglect to tell
The most essential truth;
Whatever your vision,
Dream, plan, goal, or even
That paradigm thing
Might be,
It must have roots made of
Obedience to God.
Because to obey God
Is far better than all
The other things combined.

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Samuel said, “Has the LORD as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.1 Samuel 15:22, NASB

A Poem about the Hard Truth

I have no pretty words for this
So, I’ll say it plainly- 
You are going to fail, 
And if you are lucky, 
You will fail many times.
But this is a good thing,
Because each loss is a gift.
God allows them on purpose.
The most successful people
Were the greatest failures; 
They failed over and over, 
And each defeat
Taught them more lessons,
Which became the steps
That led them to success.
No one remembers their flops;
They just know their achievements, 
Which would never have happened
Without all those disasters.
So, call your friends together 
And tell them to celebrate, 
Because you are going to fail, 
And you will keep on failing 
Until you get it right.

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Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don't give up. Galatians 6:9, CSB

A Poem about Moving Forward

The living river flows
And brings life to fair lands,
But if it were to stall,
It would leach out rank death.
To live right, you need to
Purposefully progress
Toward His life-ness.
If you would move forward,
Then you must leave behind 
Those things that brought
Your own particular death.
New life does not come cheap,
And you will have to pay.
If Christ died for your life,
Then it is logical
And even justified
That you should be willing
To die to all that brought
His death.
He paid the greatest price
For you to become new,
And newness is just the start.

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But as for you, be strong; don’t be discouraged, for your work has a reward.” 2 Chronicles 15:7, HCSB

A Poem of the Necessity

Dear Friend, let me warn you right now,
I need to use a dirty word,
Only the most strong should read on.
Here it is-
Yes, discipline, but
Not the practice piano kind,
Or to exercise everyday kind,
It’s the discipline of your mind kind.
You must bring each unhealthy thought
To God.
Every thought of self-pity,
Bitterness, jealousy, anger,
Fear, revenge, or of giving up
Must be brought to The Lord of Peace.
Get His blessing on your thinking,
Or receive His loving censure.
Success here can mean everything,
But failure can cost much more.
And with time your thinking will change;
For discipline will be replaced
By new thoughts 
Of hope, joy, and peace.

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We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV

Who is it About Anyway?

You are the one 
Starting anew.
You pay the price
And earn the prize.
You are the one 
Who climbs the heights,
Overcomes all,
And wins the fight.
Great! Go for it!
It must not be
All about you.
Make the good of 
Your highest goal.
Make your mission
To give service.
Have your motto as,
“How can I be
A blessing?”
Then you will be
The one 
By Him, 
The True One.

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Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. 
Philippians 2.3-4, NIV


A Poem of What Really Counts

You can count all the sunsets
With tally marks on the cells 
Of the prison we called time.
All that you were yesterday,
Your dreams, strength, and words,
Are dried, faded, and scattered, 
Like last year’s blossoms.
But Christ would filter your times.
Do not dwell in your past days.
You are no longer found there;
You have been freed of that life.
Your today is defined 
By Christ’s standard of himself.
He is the All-beginning,
He is All-victorious,
He is The Great Redeemer,
He is The One Who Conquers,
He is the Triumphant One.
He is The End of All Things,
And if you walk in His light,
With time, you will look upon
A sunrise that shines golden
On the new you of All-days.

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Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17, HCSB

A Poem about What is Stronger

Every beginning
Needs a foundation.
It must be solid,
Sure, and enduring
Like stone and mortar,
Concrete, and rebar.
Such things are too weak
To base your life upon;
Your bedrock
Must be stronger.
This new beginning 
Must stand on stones of
A love that is 
Giving, serving,
And humble.
Before you rebuild
Your new world,
Commit to love,
And all you build 
On its foundation
Will outlast you. 

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Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14, NASB

A Poem of Intent

Beautiful gardens take work.
The gardener prepares the earth;
He plants the seeds, and pulls weeds,
Prunes, and grafts with great care.
You, too, must be diligent.
Every action, choice, and thought
Must be judged worthy or pruned.
Dig out the weeds in your life;
They will only take from you
And give nothing in return.
When the soil is ready
Let the Chief Vinedresser work.
He will turn over the soil
Which lies dormant your heart;
And plant it with the seeds of
His love, prayer, and service.
Do not judge what grows as strange,
His end is not the same 
As you would define success,
But the fruit bears the image
Of The One True Gardener.

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You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24, NIV

A Poem of Your Heart’s Desires

The daisy finds joy in the sun’s rays;
She turns to face its light at dawn rise
And follows it until day’s ending.
Like her, we should delight in Him,
Who is all-light, loving, and gracious.
The flower has no freedom to choose,
Her only joy is in the sun’s light,
But your heart has the freedom to choose.
You must choose to find your joy in Him,
He is the author of joy;
It is not so abstract as it may sound.
Choose to serve Him with a joyful heart,
Spend time with Him in prayer and His Word,
Serve people whom He loves and died for,
Let all you do be for His pleasure;
And your vision of Him will soon grow
Until what was a choice becomes your truth.
Would God not respond in like manner?
Wouldn’t He bless those who bless Him?
So, delight in Him who is all joy,
And you will find your heart’s desires
Will be fulfilled.

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Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart’s desires. Psalm 37:4, CSB

 A Poem of the Victor

With each step, you take a fall
And try to get up, only 
To be hammered back down again.
There are potholes in the road,
There are stones inside your shoes,
And icy rain beats your face.
If you could add together
All of your problems,
Include the difficulties,
Plus all of your enemies,
Times that by the hardships-
All these things combined
To less than nothing
The power of Him who is
The Sum of Everything Good.
He is the Beginning, End,
And All that is In-between,
The All-powerful Wise One,
The Commander of Angels, 
And Maker of Galaxies.
It is He Who Fights for you.
And guess what-
Your side wins. 

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What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? Romans 8:31, ASV

A Poem of Conclusions

It is just our human way
We want to be the makers of our lives
And get credit for our successes.
But it is vain to claim such greatness
Another put the gold in the ground,
And Providence let you find it.
You did not make the air that you breathe
Or the body your spirit dwells in.
Your intelligence is a gift from
Him who is All-knowing and All-wise.
Indeed your talent is from the Creator.
Your strength comes from the Almighty One.
Yes, all the good that came to you is the
Gift from the hand of “Him who is good.”
It is just the way it is.
So we go from blessing to blessing,
And we are blind to Him who gives them.
If He gave you such great benefits
When you were far from Him,
What wonders would He perform
In you
You were to draw near to Him? 

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Young lions may go hungry or even starve, but if you trust the LORD, you will never miss out on anything good. Psalm 34:10, CEV

A Poem of the Worker 

You may be in a starting place
Of hope and promise like springtime.
You may be in a middle place,
Like the long labors of summer, 
Or a memorial place,
Where your dreams are winter buried.
But they are the same place to God
Who knows the end before each start.
His acts must be worthy of Him,
And His designs would not be small.
Would God do something that fails?
How could His plans not succeed?
You should find great hope that
He has been working long in you, 
He is working even today,
And will not cease until the end.
If this awesome Creator who
Builds mountains, seas, and galaxies 
Is working in you, then you know 
It will be wondrous and great.
If He made all things in six days,
Just think how great will be the end 
Of the time He has been working
In you.

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I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6. HCSB

A Poem of He Who Helps

Few hermits are famous
For great accomplishments.
If you struggle alone, 
You may find some success
And even bloom briefly 
Like a lone desert rose
Only to wilt in the hot wind.
God is willing to help.
He exalts the humble
And gives strength to the weak.
He comes with joy and hope.
He brings peace and blessing.
Invite Him to help you,
For if you seek God’s aid,
May be one who plants
Vast gardens of beauty, 
Filled with Eden’s blossoms
That bless many people.
This desert hermitage
Will fade away in time, 
Because as you trust in God
You turn from hermit
To pilgrim.

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Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them— He remains faithful forever. Psalm 146:5-6, NIV

A Poem of Holy Scrapbooks

The white marble once stood nobly
And hosted visitors with gifts
Of candles, flowers, and solemn words.
It was set up by the grateful ones,
Who sought to cherish and to honor
Some hero, an act of love, or great deed.
Now, its garden is weedy, and the 
Monument lies prone in the soil,
Its message is lost and forgotten.
God made us stewards of monuments;
He placed them in our lives, hearts, and days.
We are to remember what was good,
Recall our blessings with thankfulness.
And revisit our joys of those bright days.
Do this, not to long for their return,
But because He is the same God
Who blessed you in the past,
He is the same God who blesses you now,
And He has blessings for your future.
Cherish the thoughts of your past blessings,
They will make you ready to see
The greater ones that are coming. 

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We will use these stones to build a memorial… these stones will stand as a memorial among the people of Israel forever.  Joshua 4:6-7, NLT 


A Poem of Your Revelation

At times your life makes no sense;
Evil’s dark web ensnares you
Leaving your life ruined
Like some lost desert city.
Now you ask, will your life
Ever be rebuilt again.
Don’t chase after answers,
Do not trust in great knowledge,
And do not lean on logic;
But hold on to what you know
Even when it makes no sense.
Choose the higher truth,
Choose Faith in Him,
The One Who Alone is Good.
He used a cross and a tomb
To work out His plan for good;
He will use your broken life
Until it is a blessing.
He will use all these pieces
And make something far better.
Evil hasn’t a future,
But God has your tomorrows-
And they will be wonderful!

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We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28, HCSB

A Poem of the Reason

Sometimes doing the right thing
Because it is the right thing
Is the only choice there is
And hurts like a raw red scrape
On the rough concrete sidewalk.
It may cost all that you have.
Others will not understand,
And some won’t agree with you.
They say, “Choose the easy way!”
Sometimes it takes all your strength
To be faithful and do right,
But God does the right thing, too.
He will see your faithfulness,
And He will not forget it;
Do it for God and not yourself,
You will never regret it.
Stay focused on the knowledge
That He is One Who Rewards,
And His rewards will always
Be greater
Than the struggle ever was.  

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His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 

Matthew 25:21, ESV

A Poem of What He Gives.

Someday you will overcome.
And see your banner lifted 
High against the bright blue sky,
Where you fought holy battles.
You will prevail,
But not by 
Things like positive thinking,
The best-written agenda,
Your willful resolve,
Or a self-improvement course.
Such preparations serve well
In the hands of His Spirit.
These tools will make you ready
For the time when you stand fast
And watch salvation arrive.
For you can only win through 
The One Who Leads in Triumph. 
It is Christ who will turn your
Losses into successes.
The day of joy is coming,
When you receive His victory,
A victory that is greater
Than you ever imagined.

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But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57, NIV

A Poem of the Trainer

God is not a comic book hero
Who knocks down brick and steel walls
With only His mighty right fist.
True victory is not like that.
It comes by strength, but 
The rarest kind.
Learn the strengths of the Mighty One,
So become strong in perseverance,
Patience, truth, love, and holiness.
The champion’s strength only grows
Through diligence, patience, study,
Exercise, training, and practice.
True champions are the ones who master
Such holy disciplines,
But not in the field or gym;
They train in the chambers
Of the Holy One.
They train in His Word, prayer, and service;
Because since God commands us to be strong,
The mightiest choose
To be strong
In God.

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Be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the LORD.  Psalm 31:24, HCSB

A Poem of the Event

It begins small.
Maybe, a pebble tumbles
And its movement grows,
Gaining speed
And material
Until the mountainside
Roars in its collapse
And cascades into 
A new landscape.
God is 
Making lost sheep new
And new creations
Out of broken people.
He is making you into
But too new to fit
In this old landscape.
The new you is coming!
It is unstoppable
And great,
Even if 
It begins small.

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He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:5, NIV

A Poem about Whose Responsibility

You need a lot of stuff;
Something to eat,
A place to live,
Some clothes to wear,
A job to pay for it,
A way to get around,
And somehow you need to
Pay off all your debts
Without getting new ones.
And do not forget,
You need friendship and love.
How do you do it?
Let me say this-
You can’t,
But God can and He will. 
It is not your purpose 
To be spent on such things.
Your job has always been  
To find Him, to serve Him,
And build up His kingdom.
And all that other stuff,
It always has been 
The Lord’s job 
To provide for His servants. 

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Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33, ESV

A Poem of Others

Some things you do alone
Like birth and death,
But for all in between,
God gives companionship.
Through them, God tells us,
“You are not alone,
You are not the first, and
You will not be the last.”
We all face such days
And some more than once,
But do not choose 
To go alone.
Ask friends about their 
Days of starting,
They will tell you, and
They need you to tell them 
What you have learned so far.
Listen to their lessons,
You might find the day is
Brighter than you thought.

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Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12, NIV

A Poem of the Listener

Could you speak to the stars? 
What would you say to them? 
Could you talk to flowers?
What things would you discuss?
If angels could hear you,
What things would you tell them?
But your prayers reach farther
And even bring your voice
To The Heaven maker,
Who planted Eden’s lawns
And rules angel armies.
He is waiting to give
All help, mercy, and grace.
He can call forth the dawn,
But holds back its goodness
Until His children ask.
Prayer has the power to 
Go where the angels must wait,
And demons dare not speak.
Declare your need to Him
With courage and awe;
Only the boldest prayers
Are worthy of such a gift.

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Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need Hebrews 4:16, NIV

A Poem of the Un-lost

Night silence 
Is broken
By golden dawn,
The day returns
And turns onward
Until the sunset
Promises tomorrow.
Some cycles must be-
But not all. 
Do not go back
To where you were
And to
You were.
God wants you to
Go to
Where you 
Have never been,
And to 
What you always
Were meant 
To be.

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For those He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. Romans 8:29, HCSB


Hope for Your New Beginning

Hope for Your New Beginning

God loves us all and yet He must remain just.  I believe God wants to give you a new beginning and free you from all the wrong things that has filled your life. The Good News is that we can have not only a new beginning we can have a new life, but first, the bad news.

The Bad News
We have problems, guilt, addictions, loneliness, aimless lives, and inner emptiness, in short we are messed up. No matter what we do to fix ourselves, we stay messed up or get worse. There is something in us that destroys the good we want to do and be, and keeps us from getting better. Some people call it sin, evil, or human nature, but whatever you call it, this something in us keeps us from God and keeps us from receiving the life He wants to give us. We all have this evil something. The Bible says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 6:23, NIV) and it says, “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin,” (James 4:17, ESV). We sin against the people God created and loves, we sin against the world He created, we sin against the image of God that He put in each of us, and we ultimately sin against God, our Creator.
God is holy and must judge sin. If He overlooked sin, He would be guilty by association and no better than we are.
The Good News
God loves you, and He wants to give you not only a 

new beginning but a new life; Jesus said, “I have come so they may have life and have it abundantly,” (John 10:10, NIV).  But that bad sin thing inside us keeps us from the life God wants us to have.  So, God became our solution. Jesus explained it when he said, "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life," (John 3:6, NIV). Because of this promise, we can have the hope of an abundant life. 

But How Does That Help?
We must believe that Jesus paid for our sins. the Bible says, "For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit;" (1 Peter 3:18, NASB).
God accounts your sin as having been put on His Son, Jesus, when he died on the cross; this could only happen because Jesus lived a perfect life and had no sin of his own to pay for, therefore, he was the only one qualified to pay for the sins of another. As God, he was able to die for all mankind. The resurrection proves that Jesus' act of sacrifice on our behalf satisfies the justice of God and conquers the sin that destroys us.
Your Part
No one is good enough for God and the life He offers.  God takes you as you are now- all messed up.  The Bible says, "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners," (Romans 5:8, NLT italics mine).
God does not force Himself on you. He gives you a 

choice to accept His forgiveness and a new life or to reject it. The Bible says "But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name," (John 1:12, HCSB). 

God offers you a new life, and He gives it freely because Jesus paid the price. He only asks that you believe in Him, and what he did for you.  Admit to Him that your sins have messed up your life. Tell God that you believe His promise to save you. You can express this to God with a prayer.

If you are uncomfortable with prayer, then here is an example of what you might say to God, "God, my sins have messed up my life, and I know I deserve punishment. I know Jesus paid for my sins on the cross, and he arose from the dead to prove that my sin is paid for. I need the life you offer. I turn away from my sins and receive Your gift of eternal life. From now on, I will leave my selfish life behind and will obey you as my Lord, and I will live a life that says, Thank You."

Do not get confused, because saying a prayer does not fix or save you, but believing in Jesus' death and resurrection to pay for your sins does; the prayer is an expression of that faith.

But before you pray that prayer, know that He is a demanding master, he said, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do the things I say?” He gave his life for you, and it is not unreasonable that he asks you to live for Him. If He comes into your life, He expects to be your king- and kings must be obeyed and served. You must decide if a new life serving the one who is the 

light of the world is better than to continue to live as you have.   

The gift of new life He offers is a life of service and gratitude to Him. Find a community of others who trust Jesus as Savior and work together with them to serve God and those He loves. 

While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him. Matthew 4:18, ESV

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Also by A.E. Dozat,
Beyond These Dark Lands Are Edges of Joy
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