Why my uber driver friend gives out copies of my book of poems to his riders.
Let me tell you about it.
Sometimes I work on my writing at one of the cafe areas at the local shopping mall. Glancing up I saw somebody smiling as they approached me. After a moment I realized that this was a dear friend. I asked him to join me and we caught up on what we both have been doing.
My friend is a man of faith and he shared that God is working in his life, some things have gone well and others have not; but he still sees God's loving touch in it all. He explained that driving for uber has helped him to make ends meet. He was excited that driving for a ride-share has given him opportunities to talk to people. Grinning, he said, "It's like I'm a bartender, everybody tells me their problems. They just open up." He offers them the kindness of a listening ear and every day he tells others about his faith in God.
I felt that God was speaking to me to give him some extra copies of my book of poems of encouragement, and his face lit up. He told me that it was a great idea to give copies to people who rode in his uber and that he would keep a few in the back of his car for his riders.. He reminded me that there are times when such a book will speak to someone's heart in ways that a sermon or minister couldn't. He said he knew people would be blessed and encouraged by the poems in the book. He said that just having copies for his riders to see will open up doors of opportunity to speak about God.
Of course, I appreciated the encouragement and felt very humbled by his praise. I hope he has many opportunities to share his faith and the book. I pray that God will be honored and people will be encouraged.
I am very excited that this book of encouraging poems is now available on Amazon. Amazon seems to be the way that people want to shop, so I am glad to make it available on their site.
I did not write this book to make money but to be an encouragement to others. That is why I priced it so low. I do not make much and what I do make I use to buy copies for those who need it and cannot afford it.
© A.E. Dozat 2018
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