Saturday, August 31, 2019

Poems in Prison

A woman in Vermont was excited when she read this book of poems when she received it as a gift.

She believes it will inspire and give hope to some special people she knows. She volunteers in a correctional facility and the inmates often ask her to read the Bible to them.  She said that she will be bringing Beyond These Dark Lands Are Edges of Joy with her when she volunteers at the correctional facility and read from it as well.

I know she is going to have a lot of very interesting conversations.

Many poems in this book touch those who are incarcerated.  This book of poems gives hope and encourages people in their darkest times. It has a message of hope in God who is abundant in love and forgiveness.

This book offers a hope that is not just wishful thinking but based on the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible says that while we were still sinners Christ died for us and that any who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.

I pray that the gospel explanation at the back of this book of poems will be used by the Lord to bring many to himself.

© A.E. Dozat 2019